Friday 12 December 2014

New Moon in Capricorn 2014

Last new moon in 2014 occurs in the sign of Capricorn at 0 degree 06 minutes on 22nd December (GMT).  We also have Mercury, Pluto and Venus joining this new moon in Capricorn.

A cardinal earth sign, Capricorn is about developing a sense of responsibility, becoming aware of one's limits, setting  realistic goals and connecting with our inner authority.

This new moon's ruler, Saturn, is at its final degree of Scorpio, signifying a time of change.  In addition, Uranus is station direct, which is also in a tight conjunction to Pluto (Pluto conjunct Venus).  The tension builds up where on the one hand, we want to stay within our zone of safety and minimise the amount of risk to be taken. However, on the other hand, we feel the urge to leap from what's comfortable, to reach out ambitiously.

Where does this new moon fall in your chart?

1 comment:

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